What shipping methods do you offer and at what cost?

Standard delivery at £4.99 for the UK, please read more for international shipping

Can I cancel my order later?

You may still cancel if your order has not been dispatched, please read more for orders that have been dispatched already.

How will my shipment be delivered?

Mainly via Royal Mail

How soon will my order be dispatched?

Orders are usually despatched within 1-2 working days

What areas do you ship to?

We offer both UK and worldwide shipping.

I have received an item that is different from my order or the item arrived defective. What do I do now?

You may log a return online to get this matter resolved.

How do I send back a return?

You will receive an automated return label.

What if I haven’t receive my order after the estimated 5 working days?

Unfortunately delays may occur along the way and we kindly request you to remain patient.

Please, mind that only logged in users can submit questions